
Game Design Course

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Game Mechanics

Digital Technology Computer Science

  • Week 3: Game Mechanics
  • Student Ages: 9-14 years old
  • Activity Time: 60 minutes
  • Activity Level: Beginner Coder


Learning Objectives

  • Students will have an exploration of how to develop game objectives, rules, actions, and secrets.


Student Activities

Designing challenge and engagement
Students will learn various ways to design challenging and engaging games, which includes: character driven games; ticking clock game; open ended game; object driven game; games with team play; games which build intensity.
Subjects: Design Technology, Digital Literacy, 21st Century Learning Skills

Developing your game rules
Students will learn the importance of building a world with consistency and changing the rules on the player.
Subjects: Design Technology, Digital Literacy, 21st Century Learning Skills

Students will learn the idea of revealing secrets in the game.
Subjects: Design Technology, Digital Literacy, 21st Century Learning Skills

Objects, Attributes, and States
Students will learn about the objects, attributes, and states in Kodu Game Lab.
Subjects: Design Technology, Digital Literacy, 21st Century Learning Skills

Performance Expectations

Task 3
Students will review and asess the design quality of their own game or one someone else has made such as the Kodu world, Neo Battle Racers.
Subjects: Design Technology, Digital Literacy, 21st Century Learning Skills


Character, Citizenship, Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Project Based Learning